Let me just start with the fact that last year I went back to work with 6 short weeks left of school. On my way to work I cried every...single...day. Then when I got to work, I cried. When I went to softball practice after school, I cried. I always said I wasn't going to be "that" person, but it turns out, I was. I have much respect for people who take their babies to daycare every day. There is no way I could do that. I would be curled up in the fetal position behind my desk in a puddle of tears. Although, my kid probably would be whooping it up with his friends. When we took him to visit a pre-school, he wouldn't have given a rip if we left him there for the day. He was listening to the teacher read Brown Bear, Brown Bear and playing with the blocks in the 1 year old classroom.
This year was slightly easier. I knew my little bambino was safe and sound at our house with my mom. Being in middle school, I was able to get home a little earlier and spend the afternoon playing with him. However, being away from him was still really hard for me. I had explored the option of job-sharing and working part time right after Everett was born. This year Grant and I talked pretty seriously about it as an option for our family. I was slightly worried because as anyone who knows me well knows, I like to shop. I used to shop quite a bit for myself. Now my days are spent at Baby Gap and Janie and Jack. When you have a kid who grows like a weed, it is hard to keep him in stylin' duds for very long. He needs new things all the time! That was really the only drawback. I wanted to provide Everett with everything he could possibly want. I know, he is only one, he doesn''t want anything but animal crackers and a basketball. However, I think every parent wants to provide their children with "everything" and I knew I couldn't do that if I wasn't working full time.
Grant and I talked about how much more important it was that I was at home with him for the little time we had before he was in school. That was way more important than baby Uggs (Yes, I wanted those BAD but his chubby feet wouldn't fit into them anyway. Problem solved!). Once we made the decision that I could do it, I started dreaming about all the fun outings we will have...reading at the library, open gym playing, long walks, afternoon movies ah, the possibilities are endless! I then had to talk to my principal and fill out an application. My friend Aimee who just had a little girl this year was totally down for coming on over to Mission Trail to teach with me. Double bonus!
Last week I got the super news I had been waiting for. Aimee and I were accepted for a job share! I know it will be a little difficult in the finance department and coordinating my classroom with another person, but I have never been so excited! I think about it every day I leave the little boy at home and head to work.
I have been stocking up a little on my "comfortable mom clothes". I am always so envious of those moms I see dropping their kids off before they head to the gym or the ones running errands with their toddler their shopping cart. You know the ones. I call them "Leawood Moms". They may not be the nicest people on earth, but they sure know how to dress! I wanted to be like that. Comfortable and chic. I have already started my collection! Please view the new "uniform" I will be wearing as a part-time stay at homer! Let's just say, this is what I wanted to look like-