Is he too small for it? Yes, but I just love it and I think the boy needs a tricycle and it has a bell! Come on people! Also, a family friend of mine who has 3 grown,well, college-aged, kids gave me a great idea for a yearly birthday gift. She buys them a book that reminds her of their achievements for the year and always writes them a special letter in the front. I had a pretty hard time choosing between Curious George and my final selection. However in the end this is the book I chose. You can only give him this one for his first birthday. It just won't make sense after that. He can have George next year. Who knows what he'll be getting into by then??!-
Even though Ev was born in the morning, I was up all night and anyway it has a beautiful message so I think it is just right. I am going to go ahead and share what I wrote to my little boy. It may be very personal and something that shouldn't be shared on an Internet blog, but if the book gets lost or something else happens, I want Everett to be able to look back and see what I wrote to him. Everyone knows once something is on the net it is there for good, so this way my words will never get lost. What I'm trying to say is skip over this if you just want to get to the pictures.
Dear Everett,
One year ago today I met a little boy who changed my life. Your nana and I used to talk about how since I was a little girl, I always talked about being a mom. The day you came into our lives was the day my biggest dream and so much more came true.
When we were in the hospital, all the nurses said what a calm, sweet baby you were. I thought for sure you would come home and start crying, but you never did! You were and still are a laid back guy.
In just a short year you have already achieved so much! You have learned to roll over, sit up, crawl, walk and dance! You can eat solid food (ham, apples and pasta are your favorites:), drink from a sippy cup and you are quite the little traveler! I take you anywhere from the store to swim lessons to Springfield to Las Vegas! You behave absolutely perfect in any setting! You are like your mommy and need to be out and about!
Although you are already so much more than I have ever hoped for, I still have big dreams for you! I am eager to hear all you have to say and watch you go to school. This year has flown by so fast I know you'll be in preschool before I know it! I can't wait for you to try sports and clubs and make new friends. I am going to try to capture every moment because I know those milestones will be here before we know it!
I am going to blink and you'll be in junior high and then driving to high school! However, before all that can happen, I just want you to know that even though you don't understand now, someday you'll read this and I hope that you'll see that you are the greatest gift God ever sent down to be with your daddy and me. You make us better people. You make us laugh, play, smile, sing, chase, share, hug, kiss and PROUD every single day. . I have no idea what God saw in us to give us this beautiful baby boy to keep forever.
Just know that I will try to be the best mommy I can be every single day. All I want for you is to try your best every day I want you to be good and kind to others, finish what you start, work hard, find hobbies and people you love and surround yourself with them, keep your head up no matter what, treat people with respect and do the right thing even when no one is looking!
There will be bad days for both of us, but I promise today and always that I'll not only do my best to set an example for you, but I will be there to guide, love, support, hug and kiss you no matter what.
You are my sunshine and I love you so very much! Here is volume one of many birthday books. 2010 was a great year!
I love you Baby Birthday Boy! Love, Mommy