Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Lion King

When I was little, I always looked forward to the month of July.  I not only looked forward to my birthday, but I loved not having to go to daycare and being able to stay home with my mom.  Since she was an administrator, she worked all year round except a few weeks in July. 
I always loved our time together going to the pool, shopping and especially MOVIES!  My mom was never a mom who said you couldn't drink Coke with lunch or that you couldn't have dessert.  I'll get into what I used to pack in my own lunch at a later time.  Let's just say Jamie Oliver would not be happy with my food choices.  She let me eat mozzarella sticks for dinner.  She was (and still is) awesome!  When we would go to the movies, we would eat "movie lunch".  Movie lunches consisted of hot dogs, nachos, Starburst, Twizzlers and Diet Coke! A-maze!
When I found out I was preggers, I just couldn't wait to take my child with me to the movies in the summer.  Now that I am fortunate enough to stay home with my little buddy, we were able to go to a movie at noon in the middle of the week! 
There are several reasons I was teary eyed and felt like a dream had come true-
1. We saw the Lion King!  Hello?  One of my all-time faves!  Holding your baby during "The Circle of Life"???  You may think it's double cheese-wiz, but it is a pretty outstanding moment.
2. We were one of 7 people in one of the giant AMC Studio 30 theaters.
3. Everett sat (well, and crawled around on the empty seats around us) through the entire thing!
4. We enjoyed a "movie lunch"!  Everett had a hotdog and M&Ms.  Mom had cheese, crackers and popcorn! 

 We sat in the handicapped seats in the very back as to make a swift exit upon meltdown.
 Holding his toy "elfant" a.k.a. elephant.
 All those empty seats...
I told him how he made one of my dreams come true and that I looked forward to many, many more movie dates with my buddy.  Of course I brought my camera!

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