Anyway, All my running friends {not wannabes such as myself}have been so sweet since I made the big decision to try my first and probably only marathon. They ask, "How many are you running this weekend?" or "Where are you at in your training?" Well Bethany, Stacey, Ann and well, random strangers like my dental hygienist, I haven't "officially" started. Although that makes me sound super behind since my race is in 18 short weeks, I know that I can get really burned out. I know I am prone to knee injury. I know I really don't have the time to be training for 6 months which is what it seems most real runners do. I have however been running short runs during the week and longer ones on the weekends and I following a similar training plan to the one I used when I ran my half so I believe that with a little faith, love, blood, sweat and tears, we're gonna freaking do this. To quote my great Boston Qualifying friend, I just want to finish in the upright position. Cross your fingers, say a little prayer and if you see someone lying in the middle of the sidewalk, it's probably me. Just honk and wave. If I give the thumbs up, I'm sure I'm fine.
9 years ago
You are TOTALLY fine. 18 wks is too early to start training *in my opinion* So proud of you for taking this one! Give yourself a little bit of a break before you kick off training - it'll help mentally! Keep blogging about it so I know what's happening!!