Monday, February 4, 2013

Look Out Mickey!

Everett was about 2 weeks old when my mom looked at me and said, "I think I'm going to take him to Disney World," to which I answered, "Without his parents?"  "Sure," she said.  I replied, "Over my dead body".  And it started...

I believe it was about a month later that I started researching how much this was going to set me back.  I had criteria.  If I was going to Disney, I was doing Disney right.  We were staying on property.  We were staying for about a week.  We were doing the meal plan.  We weren't skimping on anything.  What Everett wanted, Everett got.  The first time I logged onto the Disney World website, the estimate I got was about half of what it is going to cost us, and that alone blew Grant's mind.  Looked like I needed to start saving.  To earn extra money, I started my own little sewing business and anytime I got a check for my birthday, a holiday or a stipend from school, I saved it.  I saved every.single.penny.  Every one, people.  I wanted to do this vacation without having to put anything on a credit card.  About a month ago we officially booked our hotel and today the flights came open.  We have our NONSTOP flights!  It's totally getting real now!  It's like planning a stinking wedding.

After hours of reading, researching and planning, it is all coming together and when a friend posted this video on FB today, I seriously cried.  My worst fear is that Everett will hate every minute of it and my three years of saving will go up in flames, but we've been prepping him and I haven't over planned.  Again, what Everett wants, Everett gets and if he wants to ride Dumbo for 6 days straight, fine by me.  That's why my parents are coming.  Grant and I can check out the Tower of Terror and tried Coke a Cola in different countries   They have that you know.  Watch out Mickey, here comes the wildest 3 year old you've ever seen!  And don't get your feelings hurt when he knocks you over and heads towards Nemo, we have some Disney movie brush ups to take care of.

1 comment:

  1. Jealous! And also a little relieved that you are doing it first. Take notes!
