Friday, December 17, 2010

What a Morning

I've been waiting all day to tell this story. This is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever done, and let me tell you, I've done a lot of dumb things. Here is a timeline of this morning's events-

4:45- Wake-up and get ready for the gym

5:00- Almost hit a deer in my neighborhood

5:15- Arrive at the gym and think, "Yes, no one is here, I can listen to 95.7 instead of the usual Johnny Dare in the morning (barf)!"

5:17- Enter the gym, put my car keys and gym key in the cubby. Think to myself, "I need to get a dollar out of my car for water".

5:18- Walk outside to my car. As soon as I take 4 steps I realize I forgot my to the gym in the cubby

5:18 and 3 seconds- Watch the door to the gym close in slow motion and click locked.

5:18 and 18 seconds- Get in my car and think to myself, "What should I do now? Sit in my car and wait for someone to come? Go back home? Thank goodness I didn't leave my car keys in there. I would really be screwed.

5:20- Drive home to get Grant's key

5:22- Drive back to the gym

5:38ish- Pick up my key from the cubby and realize I don't really have time to do anything by abs but realize that maybe God wanted me to take the day off, but ask him why he didn't let me know that when I was still in bed?

5:50- Arrive home and start unloading the dishwasher

5:53- Realize my husband didn't start the dishwasher like I have "nagged" him to do. In fact, I remember asking him 3 times, him confirming he would start it and then being annoyed that I was asking him so much...and he wonders why I nag him

5:55- Get ready for work

All day long- Eat everything in sight. Darn this kids and their parents who can bake lovely sugar-filled confections!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fluffy Cakes on Facebook

I have moved my little Fluffy Cakes creations to Facebook. Here are some of my new items. However, you can also visit the Fluffy Cakes blog at

Choo Choo!

Little Mister is enjoying his new ride from his Aunt Niki. A special thanks from his parents for the loudest toy we own!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Muffin Top

Remember when blueberry muffins were great? You know, that fresh baked smell on a Sunday morning. The warmth of fresh blueberries bubbling from the tops of golden goodness? Now, (this is for the moms out there) remember after you had your baby and everyone said, "Oh, after your first one, everything will go back to normal?" Muffins have taken on a whole new meaning. I say to those people who tell me everything will be the same- Wow, did you have a giant muffin top before you had your baby too? Well, I may have had a mini muffin, but sister, nothing like this!
Aw, I dream of the days where I wore a t-shirt and jeans without looking in a mirror and wanting to barf. What happened? Ah yes, I grew a human inside my stomach and now I look like a deflated balloon. So as I approach the one year anniversary of the first day I met my beautiful baby, I say, I have now entered the Muffin Top Club. What do you win? Having to throw out half your shirts because you will never, I mean never, look the same in them again.
Don't even get me started on the rest of the changes. I can only focus on one at a time. And to all those, "You'll look the same after you have a baby" people, yes Courtney, I'm talking to you you liar, thanks for the false dreams. To all the other members, wear your muffin top proud! I think we deserve it having to go through all we did. We baked a human for goodness sakes! However, instead of a badge of honor, a daily massage, person chef, housekeeper and someone to drive us around, we get to wear a permanent badge saying "yes, I had a baby". Thanks Mother Nature.

'Tis the Season

E is getting ready for his first Christmas! It is hard to believe this time last year we were waiting to meet him for the first time! I can't believe how big he is getting! Enjoy the pictures of the Fluffy Cakes Reindeer he's sporting. If you would like to order one, please visit Also, check out his first meeting with the Big Man in Red!

He likes the camera.
Daddy was taking pictures...they're a little blurry.
Winnie the Pooh balloon!

From My Husband

Grant will be pretty thrilled that I shared the pictures of the flowers he gave me on HIS birthday:) Thanks Husband.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving in Vegas

Some lady took a picture with Everett when we were in line at the concession stand. He was a hit!
I love Las Vegas! (View from our room)

He loved looking out the window and pushing his stroller around the room.

Someone fell asleep at Caesar's Palace (beeper friendly, by the way) and so all you could see everywhere we walked were his little red socks.

Rock Chalk with my one tooth!

Blurry suit picture #1.

Blurry suit picture #2.

Blurry suit picture #3.

Before dinner at the Wynn.

That guitar was hours of plane entertainment!

On the shuttle getting ready for the first plane ride!

The Hash family traveled to Vegas to celebrate Everett's first Turkey Day.

Highlights of the trip-
  • Everett didn't scream his head off on the plane ride to Vegas. He crawled around A LOT, but not much crying!
  • Everett was a trooper! That boy rode around those casinos in style! He loved looking at all the crazy people and watching the machines.
  • The Bellagio! It's my favorite place to stay. It is amazing and with a baby it is great to have housekeeping visit 3 times a day!
  • We spent Thanksgiving dinner eating at Emeril's Delmonico Steakhouse. The place was complete with personal waiters that placed your meals on the table at the exact same time! We had a 10 month old who sat in his highchair the entire 3 course meal! Did I mention my kid is amazing?! He also was dressed in a 3 piece suit with tennis shoes sans jacket so he was looking a bit like Justin Timberlake. See pictures above.
  • The Hash's were on ESPN! At the beginning of the game against Arizona there was a very short clip of all of us standing by Baby Jay!
  • Shopping! We hit the Fashion show Mall on Black Friday for 40% off sales. Mom and Dad completed the trip by receiving some cowboy boots from Mommy's FAVORITE store Boot Star! Grant looked it up online and said the store in LA has been frequented by Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson and Lindsay Lohan. Woot Woot! We also visited the largest Forever 21 in the country. They have kid's and men's stuff as well as a DJ!
  • How could I forget!? I ate my weight in yogurt parfaits at the Bellagio. They are my absolute favorite thing in Vegas. If you visit you must get one from the Bellagio French Pastery Shop or the Italian Ice Station!
  • Being together as a family. I won't lie, traveling with a baby caused a lot of stress. I haven't quite gotten it down yet. I am severely afraid to have "that kid" that screams and cries and causes a scene. Nothing could have been further from the truth! Everyone we were with commented on how he was the "perfect baby". However, if he were the perfect baby, would he have woke up at 4:30 on Black Friday? Oh, he must have been too excited for shopping.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Just a Little Something...

I've been working on.

Fluffy Cakes has hit the holiday season! Visit for more pictures and information on purchasing. Here is a preview of new items-

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The K-State Cupcake

I'll go ahead and say it. Making this K-State stuff is a little difficult for me. Even my husband walked upstairs while I was working on this little number and said, "What's all that purple stuff for?!" We just don't believe in having purple in our house. However, I think this cupcake made even a KSU onesie look good:) If you would like to order a custom cupcake (I can make them for the holidays, your favorite team, different patterns, etc.), visit the Fluffy Cakes blog!

This one includes a little something extra. You know how I like to make those cute little tushies stand out!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Projects

Here is just a couple things I have been working on. To see more photos visit
Baby Jay onesie and pants. It's hard to tell, but the "Jay" is on the booty.

Another KU outfit.

This is for a friend of mine whose daughter just joined Daisies. She's going to wear this to her next meeting!
Finally, a little gingerbread man tie onesie.
If you would like to get a little of your holiday shopping finished ahead of time, just click on the blog at the top of this post.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Turkey Pants!!

Aren't they the best?! If you would like to order some, please keep in mind that it could take 2-3 weeks to fulfill your order. The turkey pant is $20. See my other blog- for more details.

You Wanted Turkeys....

You got turkeys! I made 11 of these bad boys this weekend and the next time I see a turkey it better be on my plate at the Bellagio on Thanksgiving with my family! Just kidding, but they are a lot of work. I can't wait to get started on my holiday stuff! Unfortunately, it could take 2-3 weeks to fulfill a turkey onesie order. They are pretty time consuming. I want to make sure you can get them in time for the holiday. The good news is my friend Elizabeth has picked up this little collection and is selling these beauties at The Mommyshop on 147th and Metcalf!

Happy Halloween!

The little roo on the big night!

Jayhawk and a special bear friend on Mission Trail's Trick-or-Treat Night!

He loved picking his own candy.

I'm sure you've seen all kinds of "Baby's First Halloween" posts's another one:)