Tuesday, February 11, 2014

14 Days of Love: Day 10

Dark Chocolate Dipped Pretzels
Here's my {little ghetto} step-by-step guide to dark chocolate dipped pretzels.
Let me start by saying there are many ways to melt chocolate.  First, I start with a bag Nestle Toll House Dark Chocolate Morsels covered in a little bit of vegetable oil to keep it creamy.  Here's where we get a little ghettofied.  I don't microwave the chocolate to melt it.  Don't even use a double boiler.  Nope, I boil a small saucepan of water and then put a glass bowl on top.  I find that this gives you the least amount of scorching possibility and most everyone has both of these things in their kitchen.
Once your chocolate is melted you can either remove it from the saucepan or turn your heat to low to keep your chocolate from cooling while you work.  If you remove it from the heat, you can always put it back on.  Easy peasy.
 Dip your pretzels half way in.
Place them on a piece of waxed or parchment paper, shimmy shake some sprinkles on and let cool. 
 Jar them.  Bag them.  Try not to inhale them. 

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